Which Relative Clauses Can Be Omitted
RULE1 only in defining relative clauses without commas. In object relative clauses the relative pronoun can be omitted with no change in meaning.
Definite Relative Clause Relative Clauses Clause Relative Pronouns
This is also true in object relative clauses ending with prepositions.

Which relative clauses can be omitted. Shes one of those people whom you can trust. The king gave up his throne for the women whom he loved Whom is the object of the essential relative clause. In the first example who is the subject of the clause and can sleep is the verb.
The book which I read last week was fantastic. Here is the girl whose chair I borrowed. When where why can also function as relative pronouns.
If the clause is essential ie if the clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence and the relative pronoun is the object of the clause the relative pronoun can be omitted. Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses. Relative pronouns used as an object in a restrictive relative clause.
The book is on the table is the relative clause can be omitted without making the sentence meaningless. 1 As can be seen from the table referring to a person or thing the relative pronoun may be omitted in the object position but formal English includes the relative pronoun. When the relative pronoun acts as the object of an adjective clause they can be omitted.
We cant omit the relative pronoun here. Do you know the girl whom hes talking to. THE RELATIVE PRONOUN CAN BE OMITTED.
The relative pronouns can be omitted when they are not the subject of the clause. Philatelists are people that collect stamps. That cannot replace who or which in non-defining relative clauses.
Whose can never be left out because it has a very specific possessive meaning necessary in the sentence. Tina admires the prime minister which surprises me. Please read my post again and you will find your answerin the 2 sentences above which Ines presented we see subject and verb after relative pronoun so in both cases relative pronoun can be omitted because they have the role of objectbesides sir if the rule I mentioned has problem then we conclude one the best books in English grammar has problembecauseI have read this rule in bookI.
They refer to people or things and they replace the subject expressed in the main clause to avoid the repetition of it in the relative clause. RULE2 If the relative pronoun is followed by a noun or pronoun. In the following sentences the pronoun that can be left out is enclosed in brackets.
There are two common occasions particularly in spoken English when the relative pronoun is omitted. If it is the object it can. Omitting the relative pronoun Sometimes we can leave out the relative pronoun.
In the second example whom is the object and you is the subject with can trust as the verb. They can be omitted when they are in an identifying clause we will discuss that later. The relative pronoun that may be used in English particularly American English in defining relative clauses.
The end result may be a Relative Clause or an Adjective Phrase or a Participle Phrase modifying the Noun. Please note in all the above instances Relative Pronouns like who which that can be omitted but not whose Thats the girl whose dress I like. Wheres the pencil which I gave you yesterday.
I remember the day when I first met him. We can omit the relative pronoun here. If it is the subject it cannot be omitted but see below for passive constructions.
WHICH I RELATIVE PRONOUN PRONOUN The woman who the police arrested was found guilty of first-degree murder. Cannot be omitted If we have a defining Relative Clause using the verb be it can be dropped. Q5 - The flight which we were supposed to take was cancelled.
For example we can usually leave out who which or that if it is followed by a subject. We can omit the relative pronoun here. Relative clauses allow us to provide additional information without having to start a new sentence.
When the pronoun is the object of the relative clause. This is common in everyday speech. Therefore whom can be.
Relative clauses give us information about the person or thing mentioned. Turning to the second function of that introducing a relative clause whether it can be omitted depends on whether that is the subject or object of the clause. When there are two object relative clauses in a row the first relative pronoun is usually omitted but the second one cannot be omitted.
However use of that instead of who or which in defining clauses is an option not a rule and a source of plenty of confusion.
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